How Am I Expected To Get All Of This Done?!?
Each of your children is in 2 different sports. Your daughter takes violin lessons. Your son wants to take guitar lessons. Your husband works late most days. You have PTA meetings, responsibilities at the children’s schools and dinner to cook.
How in the world can you get all these things done? Is it even possible to get them done well? What about the housework and all that laundry piling up in the laundry room? Will you ever have time to get to that?
Now you have to buy special cleats for your son for soccer. You don’t have time to drive to the sports equipment store right now…yet he needs them tomorrow morning at 8 am. Not to mention that it’s your turn to bring snacks for the team practice.
If your life is anything like mine you are super busy. You have more things on your daily to do list than you have time for. And heaven forbid if you wake up even one morning feeling sick. I don’t have any time to get sick and I’m sure you don’t either.
So what can you do about it all? How do you juggle all of your children’s activities, all of your own activities, all of the house responsibilities and family responsibilities?
The answer is Organization. It’s the key to accomplishing all of those things you are facing each day. You need to organize your spaces so that they are easier to manage and you need to learn how to manage your time, so that you can actually succeed at accomplishing all of those things you need to do each day.
As a Professional Organizer I am often called into a family to help them function better. My typical client is a housewife, with 3 kids, a hard working husband and a household and schedule that is slowly falling further and further behind.
Here, briefly, is a checklist I help my clients to learn and implement to help them get a grip on all of their responsibilities:
1. Organize your home. I know that it takes time to get your entire house organized and in tip top shape, but it is the one of the most important things you can do to get control of your life.
When your home is unorganized it is hard to find items. Time is wasted searching for them.
You want your home organized so that each member of your family can quickly locate any needed item and also know where to return that item when they’re done using it.
So you need a plan to organize your home. Perhaps tackle one room or area per day. Perhaps you need to hire a Professional Organizer to help you get it all done quickly. Either way I highly suggest you get started on this task.
2. Organize your time. In other words you definitely need a planner or calendar that you use religiously to record every single little thing you need to accomplish every single day.
Your planner should be one that is easy enough for you to use, so that you will use it every day.
This is how I manage my own planner. I have a paper planner myself. I tried those electronic Palm units, which my husband swares by, but I am a paper kind of girl. I like to flip through the pages back and forth quickly. So I use a paper planner.
I make a list in a column of all the things I need to do that day. Then I plug every single item into my time schedule. I block out the adequate time needed for each item that must be done. I take in consideration things like drive time, waiting time etc.
Most days I have more items on my list than I have time for in the day. Don’t get discouraged if your planner ends up with the same phenomenon. Just make sure that the items that MUST get done each day are scheduled first, and the things that can be rolled over to the next day are scheduled last.
The next day, start by transferring all the things from the day before that didn’t get done onto your list and add to the list with today’s items.
When you find that you are completely backed up and behind with your list you may have to spend a weekend day once in a while playing catch up. This really isn’t that big of a deal. The wonderful thing is that by using this method you are able, each week, to tackle and accomplish all the MUST DO items and even if you didn’t get to all those items that need to be done, but just weren’t a priority you know what they are. You have the list before you. You know if you can roll the items to the next week’s lists, or if you have to spend a little extra time taking care of them in the evenings or on the weekend.
3. Don’t ever give up. Don’t ever stop trying to get your home organized and don’t ever stop trying to keep it organized. Yes, it is an ongoing job, to be sure. But it is a necessary ongoing job, just like brushing your teeth every day.
You must work every day at having an organized home. Same is true for your time. If you find that one day nothing goes the way you planned, something comes up and your entire day is shot don’t worry about it. It happens to me all the time. I will wake up and schedule my day. Then one of my kids will call and need to be picked up and brought to the doctors. Or my husband will call up and ask me to bring some forgotten but important item to him at work.
Stuff happens to wreck havoc on your schedule from time to time. Just go with the flow, and then make sure that you go over your list and try to reschedule everything over the next few days.
The point is when you get thrown off schedule to get right back to it as soon as possible. Don’t spend time beating yourself up over slipping; just get back to planning your time like nothing happened.
Don’t ever give up. This is your life. It isn’t something you can win or lose at. It simply is your life. These are the things you need to do every day to get through each day successfully.
So if you too are an over scheduled, overly demanded person with way too much on their plates, way too many activities they need to show up for and too much laundry waiting for you every day then you need to think seriously about the above plan for conquering the chaos in your life.
Organization is the key to it all. Get your surroundings organized and get your time organized. Always keep working on being organized and your life will run much more smoothly.
Kerry Flinders
May 18th, 2011 at 6:12 am
Egypt's population is expected to double by 2050, what can be done to ease this issue?
Cairo is one of the most densely populated cities on earth — will likely get worse as Egypt’s population is expected to double by 2050,
Lets check out who knows what is going on… Please answer what is the goverment doing and other organisations to ease the strain on a fast growing population?
May 18th, 2011 at 11:14 am
sounds like a good ol fashion shooting war is in order
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population control
May 18th, 2011 at 11:16 am
the war on terror will give you that answer or globle warming .
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May 18th, 2011 at 11:18 am
not supplying free condoms
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May 18th, 2011 at 11:20 am
Believe me they will be triple by 2040.
The land and resources could not be enlarged by a law or an action, but the reproduction rate could be decreased by laws.
It doesnt matter for me, I dont want anything from this country except my degree.
Masr el betdomena, newhb 3shanha 7aytna law ben7ebahaaaa, then we found out that he didnt join the army service, it is not tamer alone, all of the people who could have a chance to do it will do it but we dont because we are afraid from god.
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May 18th, 2011 at 11:22 am
With you goat…
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May 18th, 2011 at 11:24 am
Follow the Quran and Sunnah and Allah(SWT) has said he will take care of things….its honestly that simple people….we need to quit trying to outsmart Allah (astigfirAllah) and do what he enjoins us to do….this is even mentioned in quran not to kill the girl children for fear of not being able to feed them….the Earth is a wonderful bountiful place, more than enough land/water etc IF used correctly as Islam shows us how to do….ISLAM IS the answer….
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May 18th, 2011 at 11:26 am
In my opinion the government can not stop it and should not. At the same time they should
* Make many new independent cities away from the old cities.
* Should transfer the capital to be outside Cairo.
* To let the normal people work and plan side by side to solve the problem and find new creative solutions. Instead of dealing with the population as unwanted people, the government should use (the problem itself) the population to solve it.
If the normal people can play a role in planing and working to solve the problem, they will create excellent ideas better than the old officials in their offices who never know about the people.
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May 18th, 2011 at 11:28 am
First of all, it’s not the number or quantity, it’s the quality that we should be looking for. Whats the population of Japan??
Cairo is very very crowded because everything is centralized there. If I want to change my mind I got to go to Cairo. besides, all the money is there to.
These things are government issues that the people have very little to do with.
Yes it’s going to get much worse.
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@Zocer, that’s a good answer if the question asked whats wrong with egyptians.
May 18th, 2011 at 11:30 am
I guess our beloved governoment is working on fixing this now by spreading cancer through food & water
so by 2050 we will be 1/2 the pop.
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May 18th, 2011 at 11:32 am
Ok , that is an interesting question, and the answer is not that simple, we have first to know the following , :
1) one of the things I always notice in lots of discussions here, is the complain of the government ‘s role , I have to ask first, do we know what is the difference between communism and capitalism? Egypt once was adapting communism, which meant that everything was owned by people (common ownership, and the government runs that and is obliged to provide everything )and the capitalism , which means that everything is owned by the capitalist people ,Individually , we just pay taxes to have the essential common services together , the government should run those services , with the main resource which is Taxes , WHO OF YOU are paying taxes? Who in Egypt is paying really the fair taxes? The government which is just a group of people , serving us , is not Papa and Mama, they can not serve us better without this resource, we can not have all the profits and then ask again the government to serve us ,,,and solve our problems.. Anyway
The main problem in Egypt is that, we do not produce (we do not work),, simply the GDP (gross domestic productivity ) of Egypt is so small related to its population, compared to other countries with the same population, let see, we are over 80 millions a similar county to us in population is Germany 82 millions and we are more than Turkey (my favorite to compare with Egypt) 72 millions, while Germany is making $2632 billions/year Turkey $640billions/year , Egypt 334 billions/year (that was 2006),,,, simply, that leads to the following rank order wise GDP/capita : Germany is 27/world with an individual income $31900/capita , Turkey is 93 with $9100/capita and Egypt is 144 with $4200/capita, (What a shame)..
From the above we can say easily we do not produce (aka work) ,, So what could any government do..
There are of course some solutions:: we have to work and search for our resources to improve them:
Our recourses :
*We can not improve the quantity of what God gave us ( minerals and oil,,etc) , so that is out the equation,
*Suez cannel is losing its importance for many reasons /when they have this new Jordanian Israeli one, the shift in the volume of trade/area , plus :for the Modern containers it is more economic to do the tour around Africa than going through the cannel
*Industrial activities need education and more than 60%of our people can not read nor write, and the rest have really modest education and culture(with exception ),,what is left \*Tourisim;which is improvable, but how ??we are destroying that with irresponsibility, extremism and ignorance, I believe that the quick solutions are:
1)Admitting that we have a real problem
2)Stop whining of a world wide conspiracy , (we are not that important that anyone will conspire on us) and stop blaming the government for our problems
3) Be honest and pay our taxes
4|)Use the taxes and the honest business people investments (and do not fight them out of envy) for education, education education, (does not have to be in schools , but also by training, not by fahlawah)
5)The dear religious, should know that we can not expand by being an inferior model of reluctance, , and although that life is just a tunnel to the happiness later but work for your life as if leading forever
6)I would suggest to do like Israel, in the military service, 2 years in the army and one year in land servicing to repay the country part of what it did (free education, services..etc)
7) The government role is to provide education /means of transportation to remote areas where investors should construct activities with institutes to teach the science/knowledge related to these activities(this can be deducted from the taxes),this is a main solution to transport a mass of population out of the old Nile valley, America was buitl by a huge transportation net , the three major cities along the suez cannel were a result of the cannel (activities and transportation)
8) finding new recourses and/or saving in our existing ones, and allow political , social ,economic freedom, that people can create, stop manipulating and fighting people (with politics , religions, traditions) not to drive the creators out of the country, Only the good ones feel the discrimination and the heat of this fight , the ignorant do not, as they do not even understand these concepts at first ,,
9) Accept others from outside to benefit from their experience and (money) , we have to expect that they come also to benefit (which is normal ) and not to be irritated by the famous song we we we,ya7alwtec ya masr, ya7alwat ramadan fe masr ,y7lawat al masreen…etc , they themselves see the reality (nothing is hidden nowadays)
10)People should be convinced that one strong believer is , better than 2 weak ones , (Birth control) the new born reduction is not against religions, God created us and promises to help us if we help ourselves first ,,,
All the answers above are not to solve an accumulated problem , we should dive in depth into the problem. Not swimming on its surface and be hit by its waves,,,it is a huge problem , I need all the gigabits of yahoo to suggest solutions,,
Birth control and Egypt:
*The oldest know contraceptive was used in Egypt around 1500 BC. The women used a barrier of crocodile dung or honey because it was believed the stickiness of the substance stopped the white fluid from entering the woman. These suppositories probably worked because they discouraged the male partner from wanting intercourse in the first place. Yuck!(Ancien Egptians were smarter than nowadays ones , they invented the first condom ,, hahaha)
*During the time of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW), the most commonly practiced method of birth control was ‘azl or the withdrawal method
* Few Ignorant Muslims, opposed the Family Planning conference in Egypt in 1994 did so because they saw birth control being used as a weapon against Muslims, to control the Muslim population, they do not know that quality is more important than quantity.
*As early as 1959, government economists expressed concern about the negative impact of high population growth rates on the country’s development efforts. In 1966 the government initiated a nationwide birth control program aimed at reducing the annual population growth rate to 2.5 percent or less. Since then staterun family planning clinics have distributed birth control information and contraceptives. These programs were somewhat successful in reducing the population growth rate, but in 1973 the rate began to increase again. Population control policies tended to be ineffective because most Egyptians, especially in rural areas, valued large families.
*To educate the population about sex and birth control, Egypt laughed Nefertiti TV, a new television network named after the ancient queen.
…………….if someone is interested the internet is flooded by those subjects…..
(how many people do you think will read this lol)
@Kalooka : My 7 point says ( the government …….where investors should construct activities with institutes to teach ….)so I tied between activities and transportation to develop new population attractive areas Maybe my English was not that good at constructing the sentence. Although building transportation network between activities will also help to develop areas along this network (as the transportation will become an activity itself)
2) I am surprised that the Egyptian prime minister said the same words about Papa and Mama matter , most probably he read my late answers as I mentioned this many times more than a year ago (I swear),,I should sue him for using my wording without permission
3) Kalooka : of course you are not all Egypt, I grantee you that most Egyptians are not paying their fair taxes, there are more than one type of taxes, do you want to till me that teachers are paying taxes for the private lessons they give, a doctors, a dancers, a singers, farmers , investors technicians ,,,,OMG do you know that criminals should pay taxes on their activities if they are caught too,,,(In Egypt in the compound in which I live the Millionaire neighbors are not paying the maintenance fees which are for the electricity, public green area, roads ..etc and brag they are smart not to pay…)
4) We can have sex three times a day , there are means to limit the population tho (even in Islam there is a way,,,,,not the subject now and again it is matter of education to know how,,,lol),Subsidized Condoms are used in villages as balloons (lol) ,,the disaster I, know where they go (well used by some exporters in what we call parallel trading back to other countries. If we have a guy like Adam (we actually have a lot) who encourages people to have children without planning using the same excuses like he mentioned above,, well, what do you expect ???
5)How can anyone arrange work for people who do not want to better qualify themselves , I posted a request before for young Egyptian agriculture experts to work in my company in Guinea , 200 comes and ask me to enable them to work in Holland or Saudi Arabia instead , west Africa accept Egyptians without visa, but people just do not want to work there (was $2000salary net + living expenses like accommodation , transportation..etc), I had to have ones from Belgium who accepted the same conditions with joy ,,,,,do you imagine
6) There is a role for the government as I mentioned in my answer to manage the country but they need the resource first to do that (the tax) how can they work without this resource (this is the capitalism system), we can not blame the government and people are escaping and damage more than they build,,,(I saw that myself and I have 100 stories about it)
Thank you for reading my answers , once someone said he does not, as they are long….
@Arabian dune: That is exactly what I meant, by diving into our problems, what is wrong with the Egyptians!!! is the reason of the population problem, the poverty problem, the education problem, the taste problem……etc,the real problem is what is wrong with the Egyptian….(if we were producing, who cares for the population increase …(7atah
@Sahar: Dear , Egypt has not the money you think, when I mentioned GDP =344 billion , I am talking about all the country income including the money stolen, assuming it is fairly distributed we will be still poor country,, We can not claim that we area rich country and it is a corruption matter only, Macro economy wise we are poor, micro economy wise we are poor,,,sorry
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May 18th, 2011 at 11:34 am
I am sorry for not answering your question directly but i hope i will indirectly by commenting on some of Zoser’s (above me) long answer:
First of all; Yes, i read your long answer
and i just was surprised by some of your issues and logic you raised here;
first you start to define the difference between capitalism and socialism or communism to pave the road to your strange conclusion that the government is not MAMA or PAPA repeating the same provoking word of our Prime Minister who’s btw obviously doesn’t know the role of the state government despite its capitalist or communist flag..
A problem like population IS BY DEFINITION a STATE and GOVERNMENTAL problem!
Are you implying that you blame people for doing the one thing (and in so many cases, and GOD, they are so many) that gives them pleasure and instant joy!? People ARE and WILL have sex all the time!
It’s the government role either to find a way to make them productive or "work" as you like to call it, and i m not saying to find them a job or feed them..i mean to put strategies, make plans so that the "Capitalists" work under its higher goals OR make some encouragements for the birthing couples, something like what China had to do one day and in some other countries too..Unfortunately it’s obvious that the government and all of them misunderstands the concept of capitalism the same as you did…
And talking about taxes, yes i pay my taxes, i am an employee and i pay my taxes for every pound i make. The ones who don’t pay are the fat cats and they don’t pay not because they are thieves or they don’t love this country no my friend, they don’ty pay because thes see how "looser" the management of this country is. they feel their money is not taken from them and put in its right place, because in short they know that the government is corrupt to the bones..
And lastly about your suggestion of transportation network as (this was the way america was founded) yes i agree..But for your info, they didn’t spread the network because "ah..why don’t we make some road network to everywhere!" no ..roads are built to serve a purpose in the first place, mainly to communicate between the resources location, working locations and residences…I recommend you read a book by Roshdy Sa3eed called "ELwake3 el Mesry…bein el7akeeka we elwahm" it’s a very valuable book..
and i apologize to you for being slightly aggressive in my reply..
lol…You are probably right Zoser, there’s always 2 sides of the story..thanks man
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May 18th, 2011 at 11:36 am
you can not do anything because there are no issue, the world began with man and woman, what did they do to not to be 6 billions????
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May 18th, 2011 at 11:38 am
Excuse me for answering your question as I do not know about what your government is doing to ease the strain on the fast growing population.
And I also do not live in Egypt, but the answers about taxes caught my attention.
I live in Holland, we have so many taxes, sometimes annoying but without it, a lots of things would not be there for the citizens..
Those are very interesting answers, only one thing: the government DOES play a major role in here..
Hereby first a very important definition about tax:
A tax "is not a voluntary payment or donation, but an enforced contribution, exacted pursuant to legislative authority" and is "any contribution imposed by government […] whether under the name of toll, tribute, tallage, gabel, impost, duty, custom, excise, subsidy, aid, supply, or other name."
Why does this have to be mentioned? People are not willing to pay extra money if they will not see the benefits very soon or directly. Especially in a country where its citizens would love to see many changes because they simply love themselves, their families and friends, their traditions and many more..
People like to know why? if you give money you want to know why, nothing more than normal I think. here there would be a very important role for the government to not only obligate people to pay taxes but also to explain them. In a country where people do not even read there are other communication methods possible..
(Of course this all costs a lots of investments by the government in the beginning but also for the government at the end they will surely benefit from this all.)
There is a lot to say about taxes but here some important notes about it:
Taxation has four main purposes or effects: Revenue, Redistribution, Repricing, and Representation.
-The main purpose is revenue: taxes raise money to spend on roads, schools and hospitals, and on more indirect government functions like good regulation or justice systems. This is the most widely known function.
-A second is redistribution. Normally, this means transferring wealth from the richer sections of society to poorer sections, and this function is widely accepted in most democracies, although the extent to which this should happen is always controversial.
-A third purpose of taxation is repricing. Taxes are levied to address externalities: tobacco is taxed, for example, to discourage smoking, and many people advocate policies such as implementing a carbon tax as a way of tackling global warming.
-A fourth, consequential effect of taxation in its historical setting has been representation.
The American revolutionary slogan "no taxation without representation" implied this: rulers tax citizens, and citizens demand accountability from their rulers as the other part of this bargain. Several studies have shown that direct taxation (such as income taxes) generates the greatest degree of accountability and better governance, while indirect taxation tends to have smaller effects.
I also saw in one of the answers that we should do what the Islam told us to do(I do not want to insult any religion).
I am really amazed that people can give this answer, did God really tell us to only look in the Quran how to manage our problems? Take a look at your life, did everything in your life came from the quran? And God allows you to comfort your life, not?
Anyway what I actually try to say:
The government is really needed in this, they are able to force their citizens to serve the army, because that’s for their protection. If this is so, why isn’t the way of living in Egypt not important then? Should they stay trying to survive every single day and not move on? Or is it important for the government to let these people be busy minded and not move on?
edit: I hope Egypt will not do the same as in China and India, as they now have many more men than women which cause many problems now and more in the future, check the article written about this on wikipedia
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May 18th, 2011 at 11:40 am
population increases is an indication of prosperity but i do not think that is the Egyptian case
you ought to remember that there were studies about Sinai
Sinai is a desert but "sayed saqer" one of the great scientists from Alexandria university has his work on this item 1966
"he used to say look at the Nile and cry for each drop of water goes to see"
his idea was to work a channel leads water to Sinai although at that time Egyptians live on one million acre "fertile".it is easy to have this in Sinai
]politically :think of all the invaders of Egyptian land
they succeeded because of Sinai was and still is empty of any means of def fence
think of cities just as port sa3id on the eastern side of sewiss channel
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May 18th, 2011 at 11:42 am
many might be too young to remember 7assanein ye me7amadein zeinet el shabab letnein, years ago, there was a 7amla about birth control, or controlling birth, taw3eyah, you know how our mind functions, the majority would say, kol 3ayel beyigui berez2o, the kids will support me when i’m old, el mal yel banoon, wanting boys, marrying more than one, or marrying more than once, abortions viewed as 7aram, many factors are contributing to the high natality rate
i personally believe that many of our problems have to be solved at the base, through education and sa2afa, at the earliest possible age, it’ll work itself up, for those at the top are products of the society, they didn’t fall via parachute, they are one of us
concerning taxes, it’s all a bagatelle, we live by the rule of fahlawa, we consider deceiving positive, a way of being clever, does this go back to the days when we were colonized and had to resort to all those backdoors, those many twists and turns ? maybe
and this works on a small level just as it does on higher levels, people don’t pay taxes or don’t pay the exact amount, and governments steal, they steal..
the problem isn’t one sided, it doesn’t come from one direction, it’s global within the country, egypt’s many problems won’t be solved if everyone paid the taxes, do you really believe that tax money will be used to build schools, hospitals, homes, and water plants ? provide jobs ?
and do you truely believe that egypt has money deficiencies ? there’s money in the country, plenty of it, it’s just not evenly distributed, and what makes you think that paying taxes will result in an even distribution of the money ? heya gala gala wala eh ?
it’s a whole system, a wheel, and a relay, what we have today is a system of no system, a system of chaos, the laws aren’t applied and for a good reason
how do you apply laws in a society, without getting caught and without being placed under a microscope, it is in somebody’s interest not to apply laws and it’s in somebody’s interest to blame it on many things like an over population
like saying the government isn’t your mama, well excuse me, who is ? who swore on oath to do their job, be2amana and zema and to serve the people ?
what is the government’s job, besides making sure that we all paid our taxes, ate poisoned food and drank polluted water ?
have you read the latest government mezaneyah ?
we complain about having to spend hours in traffic for someone important to drive by, do you know how much money is being spent on security, guards, cars, do you know with how much money the government got air-conditioned this year ?
and do you know that the government is due millions of pounds for electricity ?
the government does not pay its bills
if you are a business man, you have to pay, they call it donations, you donate buildings to the government, you donate water, you donate villas at the north coast, apartments in porto marina, you donate or you go down
so who is medala3 ?
kolo yedala3 nafso, and, bema3refto, that’s the moto
on an international level we don’t have anything to worry about anymore, the palestinians, belsalama yel 2alb da3elko; the iraqis, fidahya; el sudan is being taken care of, iran is none of our business either, so what is on our agenda ? what’s our plan for the future of this country ?
toshka ?! millions of dollars for toshka, mr da president was envisaging a whole new egypt, where ? fi toshka, he had hopes and dreams, the egyptian dream, why should the americans be any better, he saw us moving to toshka, and because of the unbearable heat living in homes built underground
el raguel 3ayez yedfena bel7aya
have you ever been to a 3rd world country to find the number of amusement parks we have here in egypt ?
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May 18th, 2011 at 11:44 am
I think the government is making a plan to build a city called ( Cairo 2050 ), u must heared about that
BUT for me, i think we must do something with all the desert that we have, u know that about 80% of Egypt is desert, and the 75 million Egyptians r living in the cities on The Nile, Mediterranean & Red sea
So the government must think seriuosly about that issue, coz Egypt population is increasing by huge rate ( about 1 million / year )
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May 18th, 2011 at 11:46 am
you can encourage education, explain why limiting your family is a sensible option both financially and for the sake of your health. you can provide free family planning clinics and explain and encourage the use of vasectomies. there are many things you can do. but first you have to want to do it and honestly i dont think you do.
zoser just read your long answer, excellent comments i just hope some people listen to you. also you english is just fine and perfectly understandable.
high incidence of birth is an indication of poor health and poverty. The parents have many children to ensure that they firstly some will survive and secondly that there will be enough children to look after the parents in their old age.
as the health standards increase, as in Egypt, child mortality rate decreases and life expectancy increases, however initially birth rates do not drop. as prosperity increases further birth rates begin to drop as parents realize they do not have to have so many children and also that they do not need so much support in their old age. you then find that they dont want so many children as this eats into their own disposable income, savings and consequently pension. the next step is further increased prosperity which allows for a slight increase in birth rate again as you can afford one more child.
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May 18th, 2011 at 11:48 am
simple, emmigration, limiting immigration and not having so many babies as arabs usually do. (im arab so im allowed to say that)
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