The Soccer Touch

Soccer for Soccer Fans!

Posted by admin on January 5, 2010

What are the current soccer boot cleaning systems?

Posted under soccer equipment

With soccer boots being so advanced and many using either high quality leathers (Kangaroo, bovine, shark, etc), or synthetic leathers, it is often recommended that cleaning a soccer boot should be limited to using just a cloth and water, to prevent damage to the soccer boot. Therefore, there is unlikely to be any approved cleaning systems available.

One Response to “What are the current soccer boot cleaning systems?”

  1. Alfred the fiftieth Says:

    With soccer boots being so advanced and many using either high quality leathers (Kangaroo, bovine, shark, etc), or synthetic leathers, it is often recommended that cleaning a soccer boot should be limited to using just a cloth and water, to prevent damage to the soccer boot.

    Therefore, there is unlikely to be any approved cleaning systems available.
    References :

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